ZelinkForever's avatar


Life's Better Under the Sea
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So, one of my friends on facebook recently posted something about bullying. Plus I saw something about Obama's campaign for it too. Thought I'd write a journal on it, and it'd be nice to hear what you guys think.

And I don't know, I understand when bullying gets to a point, it's bad and should be stopped but I also think a lot of it is human nature. There's never going to be a day where everyone loves one another, because they're is just so much difference in everyone in the world. And I know that bullying at a certain point leads to horrible things, but it's not all kid's fault. The victim and the bully's parents are at fault also. You can't possibly not know that you're kid is being bullied, or that they are bullying.

I know that I could never get away with that, my parents would've known that I was bullying people, and they would've talked to me about and stopped it.

But also, the parents of the victim should step up too.

Okay story time. Sorry.

When I was a kid, I was bullied like hell. I'd say from at least 3rd grade till... Probably eighth. About countless things, my hair, my clothes, my glasses, my teeth, etc. But my parents were always there to tell me that it wouldn't be like that forever. And that it didn't matter what they thought of me because they were just dumb kids. So, I still was bullied everyday, they couldn't do anything about that but on the other hand, they taught me how to deal with it, and even though it took some time. Now, people say stuff to me, and I just brush it off. It doesn't bother me because I know that it doesn't matter what they think of me.

What I'm trying to say is that, I think mild bullying is alright because it's kind of a rite of passage, at least it was for me. I wouldn't be the person I am now, if I hadn't gone through that. I like the fact that I pulled myself through that. Especially middle school, I mean, it's supposed to be bad. Everyone's going through that awkward stage and everyone picks on each other. But now that I've come out of that, I think it builds character and makes you stronger.

I also don't like parents who try to shelter their kids from everything, bullying included. Because when they go out into the real world, they are going to have to face that. If they dealt with it already, they know how to handle it instead of having some kind of mental breakdown. If I had kids, I would try to be as real as I could with them about what it was going to be like later in life.

I don't know, maybe I'm being insensitive and I no way support bullying, but it happens. And look at past generations, they got bullied and they're fine. I think cyberbullying, and is a reason for kids to wait to have facebooks and myspace, etc, until they can handle it.

All I know is that, with the help of my parents, what I went through made me a stronger and more real person. And I wouldn't trade it for anything.

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...we were with those people

...and went to that place

...and did that thing?

Yeah that was fun.

Seriously, when I'm on the other side of it. It's so confusing.

Who knew that being that vague could actually work?

My favorite is when they just say "remember that time" and the other guy's like "What...?" and he says "we were with those people/we went to that place/we did that thing" and then realization just floods over their face. And I'm sitting there still confused. F


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So yeah, you've probably been wondering what I've been up to or probably not. IM GOING TO TELL YOU REGARDLESS.

Well, I successfully survived my freshman year of high school. (can I get a woot woot?) but still managed to spell school wrong. Awesome. So yes, I'm enjoying the sweet relief of summer before I have to go back. XD Other updates include the fact that at some point this summer I plan on getting a straight perm. The curls are only endearing for a certain amount of time. XD My friend is always trying to convince me not to. XD Screw that! XD Anyways, once it is straight, I'll probably get it razored because I always thought that looked cool. I also may dye it pink, because that'd be awesome. XD Moving on, my fifteenth birthday is coming up, THANK GOD. One step closer to being able to drive myself around. XD XD So that's good.

And I am very sorry about the lack of artwork. I did have the excuse of school, but now it's a combination of art block and laziness. XD

Hopefully you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

So this is a bit short, but I'm heading to the movies. Not sure what to see, probably X-Men. Anyways, I hope you guys have a great day/week/month/year. And I'll get back into DeviantArt soon!


(:iconlightningfarronplz:You didn't think I forgot about her did you? No, far from it. XD)

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My most exciting games of E3!

Xbox 360:
Mass Effect 3
Fable: The Journey
Halo 4
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Tomb Raider
Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Batman Arkham City

Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
Ninja Gaiden III

Kid Icarus: Uprising

So, question time! I ask that you answer these because I'm curious, and I'll answer them too!

1) What is your favorite game coming in the next year/that has been announced?

That's a hard one because I'm excited about a lot, especially the new Tomb Raider, I think beyond excited is more accurate. I think Lara's redesign is stunning and I cannot wait to get my hands on this game. Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a close second.

2) Out of the games at E3, what was the biggest surprise?

I think for me, it was the announcement of Halo 4, because I hadn't been following it so it was amazing to know that they're coming back to the main series. I love my RPGs, but sometimes, you need to take on the role of Master Chief, and pwn some noobs. XD

3) Last question, is there a game you were hoping for an announcement and it didn't come?

Well, I was really hoping to see something on Final Fantasy VSXIII, and Diablo III, but I guess I'll just have to wait until E3 2012.

Anyways, I love you guys. And I hope you all have a great day!

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So, yeah, haven't been actually -on- here in a while. Been SUPER busy. Like I'm not even lying this time. XD

Um, things I've been up to:

1) Attempting to do schoolwork
2) Playing an unhealthy amount of Mass Effect (1+2)
3) Soccer Insanity
5) Working out a new story (I know. Hold your fire.)

That's pretty much my life, at the moment anyways.

Okay, so yes, I've had an insane workload lately with the EOCTs (End of Course Test) coming up soon. It's horrid, so many projects and not to mention I detest standardized tests. A lot. So that's all about that.

Um. So. Mass Effect is pretty much one of the most epic game franchises ever created. EVER. If you own a xbox/computer and you do not own this game... SHAME ON YOU.
-If you don't know it, I suggest playing Mass Effect 1 first.
-Also, my brother is creating a Commander Shepard costume. My love for him is renewed. XD

Yes. Soccer. Enough said.

Sleep. Yes. I need it to function.

Um, so the new story is working out pretty well. Don't really want to reveal much (is actually too lazy to type it out. you can ask questions though XD) It's basically in space, about a girl named Stella Swift. She's in the military... Mom's a nutjob, Dad's a controlling parent who groomed her for success. Oh yeah, and there's a new alien race attempting to kill them all.

So I actually have a few questions if you guys could be amazing enough to answer them for me!
1)www.youtube.com/watch?v=I67UDE… Does anyone else find that insanely funny? Or is it just me? XD
2) -related to above video- Miranda (the girl in the white space suit) like one of the most awesome characters ever? Also, she's more pretty than usual girls in video games. XD
3) DO ANY OF YOU PLAY MASS EFFECT? Just a question. XD
4) Um, no more questions except for... any other questions? About anything? XD


PS: Waffles and Spaghetti comes from a book some friend is reading. It's called Girls are Spagetti and Guys are Waffles. I was told I am a doughnut. No, I don't know what that means either.

I'm assuming it means I have no gender... XD

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Bullying? Thoughts? by ZelinkForever, journal

Remember that Time... by ZelinkForever, journal

Guess a little update is due, no? by ZelinkForever, journal

Hey Guys! Favorite Games of E3 2011 by ZelinkForever, journal

Waffles and Spagetti, anyone? + Mass Effect + NEW by ZelinkForever, journal