Guess a little update is due, no?

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ZelinkForever's avatar
So yeah, you've probably been wondering what I've been up to or probably not. IM GOING TO TELL YOU REGARDLESS.

Well, I successfully survived my freshman year of high school. (can I get a woot woot?) but still managed to spell school wrong. Awesome. So yes, I'm enjoying the sweet relief of summer before I have to go back. XD Other updates include the fact that at some point this summer I plan on getting a straight perm. The curls are only endearing for a certain amount of time. XD My friend is always trying to convince me not to. XD Screw that! XD Anyways, once it is straight, I'll probably get it razored because I always thought that looked cool. I also may dye it pink, because that'd be awesome. XD Moving on, my fifteenth birthday is coming up, THANK GOD. One step closer to being able to drive myself around. XD XD So that's good.

And I am very sorry about the lack of artwork. I did have the excuse of school, but now it's a combination of art block and laziness. XD

Hopefully you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

So this is a bit short, but I'm heading to the movies. Not sure what to see, probably X-Men. Anyways, I hope you guys have a great day/week/month/year. And I'll get back into DeviantArt soon!


(:iconlightningfarronplz:You didn't think I forgot about her did you? No, far from it. XD)

© 2011 - 2025 ZelinkForever
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omy-kun's avatar
Awesome! I just got out of highschool ^^ now college insanity starts... O_O