Mecha Sonic repaired - Sonic 3 zeed02 on DeviantArt

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Mecha Sonic repaired - Sonic 3

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After the events of Sonic 2, Mecha Sonic was repaired to face Sonic again in the events of Sonic 3, many think that this is a different robot due to errors in the chronologies in more recent materials, others think this because of its too different design and Finally, a part of YouTube videos made by fans of very dubious quality XD.

other drawings:

Modern Sonic the Hedgehog SatAM ( hypothetical )
Luka - Zeed02 (Original character - OC)
Mecha Sonic classic - lineart
S.S.S.S.S. Squad - sonic AoStH
Shadow Classic (hypothetical) and Modern - Sonic
Chris and Sage - Sonic (Commission)

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1313x1459px 1.33 MB
© 2024 - 2025 zeed02
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SeramArthur's avatar

I used to think (and still do) that they are different robots for one simple reason: the story sounds silly.

Stories of the villain surviving in completely ridiculous ways, like in Avatar 2, feel like a punch in the gut to me (literally, the villain is immortal because he can always transfer his consciousness).

Another topic, you always say that Mecha Sonic appeared in Sonic 3, and the truth is, you’re right to a certain extent, since there were a few people who had the special device to connect both cartridges. But since I wasn't one of those people (in my country I think that device was not even sold), I will continue to consider Sonic & Knuckles a different game (with the bonus of being able to connect to its previous game).