Davy Jones -01zecarlos on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zecarlos/art/Davy-Jones-01-386876615zecarlos

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Davy Jones -01



TOOL SAI_estudando paint tool sai....realemtne o programa surpreende pela sua simplicidade e por ser bem leve,mas confesso ainda nao estar confortavel com ele...bom usei de teste nosso queridissimo davy,e tentei capturar a cor de uam referenciado proprio....porem o que era pra ser uma reproducao descompromissada acabou virando um estudo descompromissado , com um desenho diferente

TOOL SAI_studying paint tool exits the program .... realemtne surprised by its simplicity and because it is very light, but I confess not yet be comfortable with it ... good used test our beloved davy, and tried to capture the color uam referenced own. however ... what was supposed to be a reproduction uncompromising turned into a study uncompromising, with a different design
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600x776px 78.2 KB
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