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Just practice sketches I felt like sharing:
On the left are ~DarkwingSnark's March Hare. On the top I think I actually failed at making her hippy enough. You can see in the lines I sorta started going there and then thought "wait, that's too much" but then looking at the finished product I think I was right before. Eh. First try. (Well, second technically, I drew the bottom one first.)
On the right: ~DuckFiend's Tegwen. Again I did the lower one first. Pose is awkward on both of these because its, er, not a body type I am used to. I shall put it that way. Tegwen is gorgeous and drawing her again is a must, but I have to do something more interesting with her than just this.
To sum up:
March Hare is (c)
Tegwen Dodgers is (c)
All riiiights reseeeeerrrrrved! (Or, maybe not? I don't know) These are all just roughs and I dunno, I'm starting to think I need to stop putting up the sketch sheets, they're just sitting there looking messy in my inbox but people think of them as gift art so they get faved and I can't take them down... eh... random musings out loud
On the left are ~DarkwingSnark's March Hare. On the top I think I actually failed at making her hippy enough. You can see in the lines I sorta started going there and then thought "wait, that's too much" but then looking at the finished product I think I was right before. Eh. First try. (Well, second technically, I drew the bottom one first.)
On the right: ~DuckFiend's Tegwen. Again I did the lower one first. Pose is awkward on both of these because its, er, not a body type I am used to. I shall put it that way. Tegwen is gorgeous and drawing her again is a must, but I have to do something more interesting with her than just this.
To sum up:
March Hare is (c)
Tegwen Dodgers is (c)
All riiiights reseeeeerrrrrved! (Or, maybe not? I don't know) These are all just roughs and I dunno, I'm starting to think I need to stop putting up the sketch sheets, they're just sitting there looking messy in my inbox but people think of them as gift art so they get faved and I can't take them down... eh... random musings out loud
Image size
475x871px 95.6 KB
© 2011 - 2025 Zebeckras
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Really nice! All the faces and bodies look so three-dimensional!