FE SS: ''Come here, Dear. Let me fix your Scarf.''Zaziki7 on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/zaziki7/art/FE-SS-Come-here-Dear-Let-me-fix-your-Scarf-421260286Zaziki7

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Zaziki7's avatar

FE SS: ''Come here, Dear. Let me fix your Scarf.''



My contribution for the Annual Secret Santa Event at :iconfireemblem-club:. :dummy:

This present goes to you, *SonicGal390! I hope that you like what you see and I wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! :aww:

I chose Eliwood and Ninian from your list, but added "little" Roy, too. (Altough I only played a bit of Rekka no Ken/Blazing Sword, but I simply like Eliwood. :iconohohoplz:)

It's a cold winter day, so the married couple decided to go out for a nice walk together. Ninian doesn't mind about the low temperature (well, I thought being an Ice Dragon makes you resistent to coldness, even in human form ;P), but Eliwood, being the "weak" human he is, threw some kind of fur coat on himself and insists on her putting one on herself, too. At least she managed to convince him that a scarf for her is totally unnecessary.  ;)
I altered her clothing a bit to make it more suitable for this season. Just let's pretend that that's her favourite style of clothing and that she owns some pieces with a similar look but small differences. ^^;

Well then, here you go~! :D

Eliwood, Ninian and Roy (c) Intelligent Systems
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HealerHm's avatar
well, thats what you call. . . Amor