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Cosplay Gallery of ChibiTifa
64 Watchers65 Deviations
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Deviation Spotlight

Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (24)
My Bio

My cosplay alias is ChibiTifa and I've been cosplaying for about 8 years. I'm one-third Cuban, one-third Dominican and one-third Jamaican (omg my math is correct!). My Spanish is horrible but my Japanese is getting better! I'm also a writer and majoring in English/Journalism. My dream is to become a world-famous journalist and have everyone read my exciting adventures (if I ever have exciting adventures....).

Current Residence: Herp Derp, Maryland, USA
Favourite genre of music: J-pop
Favourite style of art: Any that catches my eye
Operating System: Windows Vista (unfortunately)
MP3 player of choice: Ipod Nano
Favourite cartoon character: Mihoshi Kuramitsu - Tenchi Muyo!

Favourite Visual Artist
Hyung Tae-Kim
Favourite Movies
Sound of Music (I know it's odd, but I'm a sucker for Julie Andrews and musicals!)
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
I don't have any...
Favourite Writers
A lot of British authors
Favourite Games
Chrono Cross, Shin Megami Tensei series, Shadow Hearts series
Favourite Gaming Platform
Other Interests
anime, video games, writing, sewing, cosplay
It just started out as a Sailor Animamates group from Stars, but then I remembered that the new Sailor Moon anime is coming out in the summer of 2013 and my brain exploded. Why don't we try to have ALL the villains? So, yeah. That's how this happened. The VP and I are looking for cosplayers to join our massive SM Villains group for Otakon 2013. From the Four Generals from the first season to the Animamates from Stars. We want as many from all five seasons as we can possibly get. If you are interested, feel free to express interest in the album I made just for that purpose if you have FB and tag yourselves. ChibiTifa Cosplay :D
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This morning, Facebook deactivated all of the accounts that had the word "cosplay" in the name. Because of this, many of us were forced to make fan pages. I was going to make one eventually, but this move has forced me to do so earlier than expected. If you were following me on my previous FB cosplay account, please like this page to follow my costuming adventures: ChibiTifa Cosplay Thank you so much!
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It's been a while since I last made a journal post and for that I apologize. School and work have been eating my face for the past few months and now I'm FINALLY done. With school that is. On Sunday, May 20th, I will be graduating with a master's in Journalism with high honors. I also will be walking the stage, but as soon as the ceremony is over, I'm out. No celebration, not stopping to take pics, no nothing. I will be heading home to sleep and prepare for my celebratory trip with Cheetos to NYC the next weekend. So, that's it for life and stuff. Here's hoping I can land A BETTER JOB now that I have my master's! Probably not with this eco...
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Profile Comments 87

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Shakalooloo's avatar
Happy birthday!
Shakalooloo's avatar
Happy birthday!
Shakalooloo's avatar
Happy birthday!
Shakalooloo's avatar
Happy birthday!
MrJechgo's avatar
Happy B-Day ^_^
MrJechgo's avatar
Happy B-Day ^_^
Yuuri-C's avatar
Happy Birthday!~:cake: