Sonic and Korra - Swimming lessons Page 4Zavraan on DeviantArt

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Sonic and Korra - Swimming lessons Page 4



FINALLY this page is done.

Also, why didn't anyone warn me about how difficult it is to draw the ruins of Sea-side hill?

I do really enjoy the style and structure of the palace. It looks like these were made as a shelter for whales along with other cetacean species. I would love drawing it as a seperate drawing some day.

But oh Sonic, you can never outrun Korra's logic. XD Talk about it with Big, but you can't escape. ;w;

And yes, the coconut part was a refrence to Sonic Unleashed. ;)

Let's see how this turns out!

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I actually feel Sonic with the ear infections... I've had those a lot of times when I was younger (and still occasionally get them, but it's not common), it wasn't exactly fun.