Hello to all my deviantwatch!
It was about... 70 weeks (:nirvana:) that I was not present here on DA and I'm sorry for this... But in all these months a lot of events have happened in my life!
Since I don't wanna tell ya everything in detail, I'll do here a simple nice list!:bulletred:[Sept 2010] I had a wonderful trip to Mallorca (lots of sun and sea and love and sand!) :sun:
:bulletred:[Sept 2010] I was very desperate due to my work situation, and so... with a degree in my pocket I decided to enroll at a :new: university course: Techniques of Radiology and Radiotherapy
:bulletred:[Dec '10-Feb 2011] I've lived happy months with Mr. Milano...
Don't mind for my last month absense (a lot of things to do, many places to go).nothing else to say, i'll turn to do my things
bye Create your own visitor map!