Happy Birthday Fella :Dzakarranda on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/zakarranda/art/Happy-Birthday-Fella-D-173915101zakarranda

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August 7, 2010
Happy Birthday Fella :D by *zakarranda was suggested by more than 10 deviants ! And I couldn't do anything else but just feature it on the 10th dA birthday ! Stay devious !
Featured by mintyy
zakarranda's avatar

Happy Birthday Fella :D



Edit: Thank you everyone who :+fav:ed, everyone who commented, everyone who suggested this as a DD, and thank you ^mintyy for featuring it! :tighthug:

My birthday present for Fella: juggling nine happy deviants in the air ^_^

This emote nearly murdered me. If there was an easier way to animate each individual flying emote, then I don't know it. But I am open to critique hehe. I thought about nixing the ^^ eyes, instead going with happy mouths, but decided I'll start using mouths on an animation that isn't already giving me a stroke.

Factoid: I realized that I was short one color, and I wanted them to be distinct from each other. I didn't want to have a black or white emote, so instead I went with a brown one, which became labelled "chocolate" in the layers palatte.

Photoshop CS4
90 frames
~10 hours


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Image size
50x97px 133.13 KB
© 2010 - 2025 zakarranda
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