Toy Story heartlessZaclonius on DeviantArt

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Toy Story heartless



Just a note: This and a few others following, are all OLD PICS. You don't have to say how crappy they look. Cause they were done 2 years ago. ^^; Savy? :)

Here's some heartless I made if there were to be a Toy Story world in KH2. XP

Parashot: Named after parachute, which sounds like 'parashoot'. And that's his 'toy' plane he used to strike down at his enemies. And yes that's how the plane looks when it's not in flight. Streaks and all. (I had originally wanted to colour it. XP)

Claxter: Based off the old, 'chattering teeth' toy from way back. XP Now it bites back.......and HARD!

Cymbol Wild: Another version of Power Wild, Sniper Wild, or Bouncy Wild. Only he's based off the REALLY old cymbol monkey toy from the 30s-40s (or when ever ^^; ).

Heartless (C) Square Enix
Parashot, Claxter, Cymbol Wild (C)
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