The Loudest Yard (Alternate Ending) by zachgamer4427, literature
The Loudest Yard (Alternate Ending)
[The second half begins]
Rooster Player: "Set, hut, hut, hike!" [snaps the ball to Lynn]
[The Hockers charge at Lynn all at once and plow to the ground, leaving her injured. The ref blows his whistle and the team carries Lynn to the sidelines. The Hockers from before laugh and hock some more.]
Coach: "Back off! Give him some air!"
[The coach takes Lynn's helmet off and reveals her in front of everyone.]
Lynn Sr. and Rita: "LYNN?!"
Coach: "Who's Lynn? I thought you were Lincoln."
Lincoln: "No, I'm Lincoln. [Consoles Lynn Jr..] Lynn, are you okay?"
Lynn: "I'm fine. I think I just sprained my ankle."
Coach: [Suspiciously] "Would somebody mind telling me what the heck is going on?"
Rita: [Angrily] "Yes! I'd like to know, too!"
Lincoln: "This is all my fault, Mom. I didn't wanna play Football, so I convinced Lynn to play for me."
Lynn Sr. "Bogus, guys! I mean, unacceptable!"
Coach: [sympathetically to Lynn] "Take care of that ankle. I want you on my team next year."
Referee: "Coach, get
Lincoln Loud's Cheer Up Party by zachgamer4427, literature
Lincoln Loud's Cheer Up Party
Lincoln Loud was having a really bad day at school, the kind that makes you want to crawl under your bed and stay there until the sun rises the next morning. The school's Wi-Fi was down, so he couldn't play games on his phone, the cafeteria ran out of his favorite pizza slices, and his shoes got soaked in the rain during lunch. To make matters worse, he forgot his umbrella at home, leaving him to face the relentless downpour on his walk home. His normally vibrant orange shirt was now a sad, soggy mess, plastered to his skin, and his backpack felt heavier with every step, as if it had absorbed the weight of his dampened spirits.
meanwhile at the loud house, his sisters were setting up a cheer up party for him, eager to turn his frown upside down. The living room was a whirlwind of activity, with each sister contributing their unique flair to the surprise. Luna had strung up a series of posters with Lincoln's face on them, all with various positive slogans she had painted herself.
Read Aloud (Alternate Ending) by zachgamer4427, literature
Read Aloud (Alternate Ending)
[The library's study room]
Lola: [trying to read the book] "O-o-once...yew..."
Lincoln: "You got it! Once uh-puh..."
Lola: "Upon! Once upon a t-t-t...okay, this word looks weird."
Lincoln: "Sound it out. There's the T, so "tuh". Then I..."
Lola: "Tuh...I...oh, time! Time! Once upon a time."
[Lincoln looks at the clock to see it's a quarter to 5:00. Soon, the clock changes to 5:00pm, the deadline.]
Lola: [still reading] "And-and..." [sees the time] "Oh, Lincoln, it's 5:00 o'clock! What are we gonna do?"
Lincoln: "Don't worry about that. Let's finish reading."
Lola: [reading] "And they lived hap-pee-lee...ever..." [gasps] "Happily ever after! The end!" [closes book] "I can't believe it! I read a whole book!" [hugs Lincoln] "Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!"
[They step out of the study room.]
Lincoln: "So proud of you, sis."
[The rest of the family is right there looking happy at Lincoln and Lola]
Rita: "Great job you two, you made it just in time"
Librarian Wetta:
Project: Loud House (Alternate Ending) by zachgamer4427, literature
Project: Loud House (Alternate Ending)
Lincoln: "Whoa, whoa!" [rolls down the stairs and stops right in front of the door before impact.] "Phew. Okay then, we're all ready to go? Time for phase four, out the door!" [to the viewers] "Like I said, if you want to get all your sisters out the door on time, you have to have a plan."
[Right before they can get out the door...]
Lori: [angry at Bobby] "Fine! If you don't wanna wear the tux, then I don't wanna go to the dance! In fact...I DON'T EVEN WANNA GO TO SCHOOL!" [screams in frustration]
Lincoln: "So close..." [puts his project down] "Wait!" [The other sisters chat over each other and are about to walk back to their rooms, but he cuts in front of them and stops them.] "No no no no no. Everyone, stay right where you are." [heads upstairs] "Lori, wait! You're the only one who can drive us!"
Lori: [Angrily] "GET MOM TO DRIVE YOU!" [shuts herself in her room.]
Lincoln: "But she's already left!"
Leni: [suddenly with a light blue skin pigmentation.] "AAAHH!!! I'M BLUE!!! MY SKIN'S
Gown And Out (Alternate Ending) by zachgamer4427, literature
Gown And Out (Alternate Ending)
[That night at the pageant.]
Dana: "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Little Miss Southeastern Michigan Pageant." [Starts singing] "♫Beautiful girls, I'm talking 'bout the beautiful girrrrls.♫" [Backstage, Lola is quivering with fear.] "♫Just crazy for the beautiful girrrrrrrrls.♫"
Lori: "Go get 'em, Lola."
Lincoln: [Through video chat] "Remember; eyes forward, chin up, tushy clenched."
[Lola smiles warmly.]
Dana: "Let's meet our contestants" [Lola hurries onstage to join the others; singing] "♫Let's hear it for these beautiful girrrrrrls.♫"
[The crowd applauds.]
[Later on in the pageant…]
Dana: "Lola Loud and her ribbon dance."
[She gives Lola the stage. Lola spins her ribbon and performs like there's nothing to it.]
Lincoln: "It's like she's one with the ribbon."
Lori: "Literally."
[Later, it's time for the interview.]
Lola: "As partial as I am to a sparkly tiara, I'd have to say that a girl's most important accessory is… her brain."
[The audience adores Lola.]
Audience: "A good
The Loudest Yard (Alternate Ending) by zachgamer4427, literature
The Loudest Yard (Alternate Ending)
[The second half begins]
Rooster Player: "Set, hut, hut, hike!" [snaps the ball to Lynn]
[The Hockers charge at Lynn all at once and plow to the ground, leaving her injured. The ref blows his whistle and the team carries Lynn to the sidelines. The Hockers from before laugh and hock some more.]
Coach: "Back off! Give him some air!"
[The coach takes Lynn's helmet off and reveals her in front of everyone.]
Lynn Sr. and Rita: "LYNN?!"
Coach: "Who's Lynn? I thought you were Lincoln."
Lincoln: "No, I'm Lincoln. [Consoles Lynn Jr..] Lynn, are you okay?"
Lynn: "I'm fine. I think I just sprained my ankle."
Coach: [Suspiciously] "Would somebody mind telling me what the heck is going on?"
Rita: [Angrily] "Yes! I'd like to know, too!"
Lincoln: "This is all my fault, Mom. I didn't wanna play Football, so I convinced Lynn to play for me."
Lynn Sr. "Bogus, guys! I mean, unacceptable!"
Coach: [sympathetically to Lynn] "Take care of that ankle. I want you on my team next year."
Referee: "Coach, get
The Sweet Spot (Alternate Ending) by zachgamer4427, literature
The Sweet Spot (Alternate Ending)
[They all start fighting over the Sweet Spot at an intense level that causes everyone in the neighborhood to wake up over the commotion. The doors then close. A light goes on from upstairs; Rita is there.]
Rita: [from Lori and Leni's room] "THAT IS ENOUGH!"
[The kids stop fighting and look up to Rita.]
Rita: "Everyone, BACK to their rooms this minute! I don't want to see ANYONE in that car until 7:00 AM!" [rolls window down and turns off light; the girls exit Vanzilla back into the house.]
Lori: "Good luck getting the Sweet Spot now."
[The girls laugh at him and Lincoln growls at the situation in anger and punches the car only to wince in pain from it. He covers his mouth to silence himself then runs back in his room.]
[Lincoln's room]
Lincoln: [panicking] "This is bad! I can't lose that seat!" [peeks out of his room to see his sisters doing the same.]
Lynn: "Don't even think about it, Lincoln! I'm watching you!"
Lori: "Well, I'm watching you!"
Lola: And I'm watching you!
Lana: "And
Save The Date (Alternate Ending) by zachgamer4427, literature
Save The Date (Alternate Ending)
[One screen-wipe later, Lincoln, wearing the mask, is on the shoulders of Clyde, who has hidden his face with his scarf, but is not keeping his own arms hidden.]
Clyde: ¡Adios! Au revoir! ¡Gracias! Merci!
Lincoln: Okay, Clyde, less talking, more walking. We're almost out!
Lori: We need our check. Where's that cute little waiter?
Clyde: She thinks I'm cute?! I gotta get that check for Lori! [dashes off, causing Lincoln to fall off his shoulders and drop the mask.]
Lincoln: Clyde, no! Wait! [Too late, his classmates have spotted him.]
Classmate #4: Hey Lincoln. Whatcha doing at Jean Juan's French-Mex Buffet?
Lincoln: I'm just here with family. I mean, friends. I, I mean, family friends.
Classmate #4: Isn't that Ronnie Anne?
Lincoln: No! I mean, maybe. I didn't know she was here.
Classmate #4: Hey, are those khakis? Gasp! You're wearing date pants!
Classmate #3: I knew it! Ronnie Anne is your girlfriend! [he and others laugh]
Lincoln: No she is not, she is only my friend, I only said
Lincoln Loud's Cheer Up Party by zachgamer4427, literature
Lincoln Loud's Cheer Up Party
Lincoln Loud was having a really bad day at school, the kind that makes you want to crawl under your bed and stay there until the sun rises the next morning. The school's Wi-Fi was down, so he couldn't play games on his phone, the cafeteria ran out of his favorite pizza slices, and his shoes got soaked in the rain during lunch. To make matters worse, he forgot his umbrella at home, leaving him to face the relentless downpour on his walk home. His normally vibrant orange shirt was now a sad, soggy mess, plastered to his skin, and his backpack felt heavier with every step, as if it had absorbed the weight of his dampened spirits.
meanwhile at the loud house, his sisters were setting up a cheer up party for him, eager to turn his frown upside down. The living room was a whirlwind of activity, with each sister contributing their unique flair to the surprise. Luna had strung up a series of posters with Lincoln's face on them, all with various positive slogans she had painted herself.
Lincoln Loud Goes For A Walk by zachgamer4427, literature
Lincoln Loud Goes For A Walk
Lincoln Loud stepped out of his house, squinting at the blinding sun. It was a typical, sweltering day in Royal Woods, the kind that made the pavement sizzle underfoot. The quietness of the street was almost eerie, interrupted only by the occasional chirp of a bird and the distant hum of a lawnmower. He took a deep breath, letting the warm summer air fill his lungs before he began his stroll.
"Where you headed, Linc?" Luna, his sister, called from the open window above. She strummed her guitar lazily, a wisp of melody dancing around the words.
"Just out for a walk," he yelled back, waving without looking up. The rhythm of her music followed him like a playful shadow as he moved down the sidewalk.
As Lincoln turned the corner, the smell of freshly baked cookies wafted towards him, making his stomach growl. He glanced at the source, Mrs. Johnson's house, her kitchen window wide open to let out the heavenly scent. The sight of her waving at him brought a smile to his face, and he returned
No Such Luck (My Version) by zachgamer4427, literature
No Such Luck (My Version)
[Lincoln is enjoying a bowl of Aw, Nuts cereal for breakfast and reading a comic book when his sisters come in.]
Lori: "Hey, you guys! Don't forget my golf tournament's this afternoon." [Lincoln ducks under the table.] "You're all going to be there to support me, right?"
[Her sisters all agree that they'll be there.]
Leni: "And after that, you're all coming to my charity fashion show, right?"
[They all agree]
Lucy: "And after that, don't forget my grave-digging competition."
[They all say that they are. Lincoln crawls out from under the table and comes across Lily.]
Lily: "Inkin'!"
Lincoln: "Shh!"
[He notices her bottle on the top of the fridge and puts her on Lana's skateboard; the board collides with the fridge and the bottle drops right into her hands letting her drink the contents from it. Lincoln escapes to the living room without his sisters seeing him and sighs with relief.]
Lincoln: [clears throat; to the viewers] "I know what you're thinking. "Lincoln, why
In Tents Debate (Alternate Ending) by zachgamer4427, literature
In Tents Debate (Alternate Ending)
[The girls are still arguing and Lincoln comes down to get their attention with the instruments.]
Lincoln: "I'm blowing the conch, I'm ringing the bell, and yet, nothing!"
Lynn: [Angrily] "YOU! This is all your fault!"
Lori: [Angrily] "Yeah! If you had just made up your mind, none of this would have happened!"
[The girls all start blaming Lincoln for their warfare on each other.]
Lincoln: [Guiltily to the viewers] "Great. I was afraid of making five of my sisters mad at me. But
now all ten are! *He thinks for a little bit and then has an idea* Hey, I have an Idea for a perfect place to go to, but I will have to ask my parents first."
[Lincoln has just asked his parents.]
Rita: "Fine with us, sweetie."
Lynn Sr.: "Sure, son. I don't see why not."
[The girls are still arguing]
Lincoln: [bangs his shoe on the counter] "Quiet down! I've made my decision! We're going to... The Royal Woods Water Park.
[The girls stop fighting and look at Lincoln.]
Lori: You're taking