Serena and Her Young DaugtherZ-Shadow-0 on DeviantArt

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Serena and Her Young Daugther



..Mother and Child Base.. by Ember14

Girl Bedroom Background by WillDinoMaster55

Character I Used:
Ash Ketchum + Serena= Haven Ketchum

It is a bright morning day, Serena sees her daughter doing something, she watches from behind the door and then sees Haven with a present, she smiles, thinking its for her due to it being Mother's Day. She knocks on the door and Haven lets her mum in, Serena smiles and then asks Haven what she got for her, Haven didn't answer, not ready to give her mum a present early since she, her brother and father planned to go out for a Mother's Day dinner. Serena tells her that she can wait for when the time is right, Haven smiles and then hugs her mother, Serena hugs back and tells her that she'll be there for her whenever she feels sad and promises to her that she'll always have her support. Haven smiles more and then wishes for her mum a great time on Mother's Day.    

(A message from me: I wish every mother in the world a great Mother's Day.) 

My Friends Who Does This:

My Elemental-Warrior's Universe Partners: :iconstarvelvetyt: & :iconmomo-malt-gern:
Biggest Fan: momo-malt-gern   
Image size
679x647px 147.1 KB
© 2023 - 2025 Z-Shadow-0
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