I hope no one minds me posting here, but this is a project I'm working on that some of your Brave fans might be interested in! (again sorry if posting this is bad form. Forgive me!!)
I am working on a Brave Saga MUSH. A text based roleplay game that is based on an Original Setting, but does support all the Brave series from 1990 and onward. At this current moment of writing, I'm working on the code and we are getting the documents together. If you are interested in checking it out or just want to keep up to date on what is going on, check out our blog post here:
bravesmush.blogspot.com/Our hope is to have it ready to open by the summer, but no guarantees. If you do have any questions, feel free to post them on the blogger or toss me a note, because seriously, Braves need more love