The Ravenyuumei on DeviantArt

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The Raven


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Modern day reinterpretation of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven.

Poe's work always carried a sense of mystery and familiarity to me. I wanted to reinvent that feeling in a modern setting. Imagine walking down the street, through the crowd, and in a brief moment, catching the glimpse of someone you once knew. But before you can act -blink- and they're gone again. 
The Black Cat by yuumei1000 W0RDS by yuumeiCountdown by yuumeiGuilty by yuumeiRe-Imagine by yuumeiConnection by yuumei
Image size
800x1333px 548.76 KB
© 2014 - 2025 yuumei
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LegemmediHemet's avatar

beautiful illustration