:thumb673903119:Are you looking for cheap, fast and cute character commissions like this one?:thumb653878454: CHECK OUT MY ETSY SHOP :thumb653878454::thumb712334351: Prices starting from £8 only! :thumb712334351:Will draw you OC, your OTP, you favourite character, your portrait, your friends or your pet! Feel free to PM me for questions.
....BUT I'M BACK!!It's time to clear the dust and start posting again! I'm alive, my dudes! It's been a while. I didn't think I would ever come back to this website, but I'm glad I've never deleted this account.I'm feeling nostalgic and I thought DA would be a great opportunity to re-connect to my old fans and friends and make some new ones!Lots of news and new art will be posted here in the next weeks! I just need to remember how everything works here eheheh.
I and other amazing volunteers from all over Europe have started organising the first european Convention of Cabin Pressure , based on a project that has just started as well in the United States (see AirdotCon for further info)We've recently decided the location and the date: Milan, 23-24 August 2014. We're planning to set up a lot of brilliant entertainment: games, panels, interviews, guests, artists and sellers!
The Conventions will be self-funded and for this reason we need also your help! You don't just need to donate actual money if you can't: you can actively help us by promoting this project and/or donating your art or makings...
has been an active group for 9+ years to help support artists like you, so welcome to our group!
In addition to your ProjectComment membership, we have a Discord Server if you'd like to hang out in a social and fun place with other artists, chat about art, give and get feedback, participate in fun events, and more!
Check out our visual guide for everything you need to know about ProjectComment For a full, literary guide, please click here.
Spare ? We appreciate any and all donations made to CommentOutreach! All points will be used as prizes for ongoing projects - to inspire and motivate members to interact with one another in the DeviantArt community.
Overall, we hope you have an awesome time in our group!