Yuri-OnIce's avatar


Years Ago
341 Members270 Watchers

Comments 16

anonymous's avatar
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DreamStoryM's avatar
This group was formed on my birthday! Not when I was literally born but you know what I mean😊😅
BlackAndWhiteJoker's avatar
I have a question if you are willing to answer it. Could I put gifs/stamps/ and other gifs related to the characters folder or are they going to have its own folder. Not sure if this question makes any sense.
soulinity's avatar
Hello there ! Yeah, I just put up a gifs/stamps folder so if that is what your question was asking, the folder is there now !
ladyariacosplay's avatar
Thank you for accepting me into the group :D
GraysonZalishqi's avatar
Xank You!!! I feel alive!!!! [Indeed we were born to make History] :D :)
Midoyuri's avatar
i have some memes, where should i put them?
soulinity's avatar
I just added a meme folder !
You can put it there~