kissYurbleyurble13 on DeviantArt

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The first time they kissed, really kissed, outside their own private moments was right after a huge JLA crisis. Undead armies had rose, and Justin offered to lead one of the squadrons against them— it seemed only fair, he seemed almost familiar with them. Greg, however, had been assigned to a smaller group of infiltrating the source of it. Things were really bleak. Greg had rested his head in Justin’s lap before leaving, and kissing his hand. He couldn’t are anything else. It had been almost three days of fighting, over being seperated. But they won.
Of course they won, they’re the JLA. And the JSA. And the Seven Soliders. And all their other little groups that had helped out.
Justin had been triumphant, on a high of glory, and he spotted Greg with the returning groups. Both were beyond tired, but he grinned, knightly pride fulfilled. The cowboy, however, had been overcome with worry and just threw himself on the other and kissed him silly, so desperate. Justin was almost embarrassed. They walked to the medical bay together (Greg much worse off, who is he to be worrying!!), holding hands.

I just copied that from tumblr pfft but yeah I don\'t know?? doodle got out of hand, I tried real hard to do their canon outfits and man was it fun. KISSING!! what else do I say.

characters © DC comics
art © [~Yurbleyurble13]
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© 2012 - 2025 Yurbleyurble13
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shota's avatar
There needs to be more of them. More of them in everything. They're amazingly mundane characters fighting alongside their superpowered brethren. It gives the little guy some hope--someone to look up to. I love this so very much.