![balloonplz :iconballoonplz:](https://a.deviantart.net/avatars/b/a/balloonplz.gif)
Thanks for joining
![Water-And-Nature-Art :iconwater-and-nature-art:](https://a.deviantart.net/avatars/w/a/water-and-nature-art.gif?5)
. We appreciate your support and we are glad to expose your art.
![happehdanceplz :iconhappehdanceplz:](https://a.deviantart.net/avatars/h/a/happehdanceplz.gif?1)
To get started we have some information for you:
Our submission guidelines
[link]You may submit shots in our current month folder
[link]and journals in this folder
[link]Every month we are voting on the best submissions of the month as for example here
[link]if you have question note me
![Lenmanaa :iconlenmanaa:](https://a.deviantart.net/avatars/l/e/lenmanaa.jpg?6)
we would also appreciate any active participation in our group – every suggestion is welcome
we wish you many happy ours in our group and are seeing forward to your submissions
![clearflowerplz :iconclearflowerplz:](https://a.deviantart.net/avatars/c/l/clearflowerplz.png?5)