I occasionally log in here to show people what my old drawings look like, or do a re-draw
The art itself is what I'd expect, but the way I used to talk/write is super yikes and cringe, lmao. I've since been diagnosed with ADHD and autism spectrum disorder, not an excuse, but I think it contributed to how hyperactive and socially-oblivious I was being.
I think the other thing is that I had no real concept of what I was talking about half the time (tossing around words like r*pe all willynilly and being super insensitive, etc). Reading my old posts in current time definitely made my jaw drop, haha
In general, there is just such a huge disconnect between how I used to write, and how I am now. If you asked me what I was like in 2009 or earlier, I would tell you I am the exact same person. But when I read those old journals, the mindset and even the writing style is extremely different from how I currently am. It doesn't feel like I'm reading my own writing. It's so insane. A