Mlp Pony Adopt #1 [CLOSED!]YulianaPie26 on DeviantArt

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YulianaPie26's avatar

Mlp Pony Adopt #1 [CLOSED!]




Only Points! x3 :points: 

Min: 150 La jumping in Points 

Bullet; Green SERIOUS BIDDERS ONLY!. Happy 

Bullet; Red Once you've won the auction, please pay me immediately for it. After that you can claim the design as yours. Points Catch them points 

Bullet; Blue You may not copy, trace or steal them. No, I disagree! 

Bullet; Purple You can credit me for the design, but you don't have to. w00t! 

Bullet; Black You may also trade them. Clap 

Bullet; White Bid Only what you can afford Wink/Razz La jumping in Points 

Bullet; Yellow The winner will receive the full size, watermark-free version and may make edits to the design. Winner Points glomp 

Bullet; Orange I will send you a note once you have purchased the adoptable. yay notes 

Bullet; Pink Only re-sell for equal or lesser value unless they come with more art. (Please tell me if you re-sell, I like to keep up with designs) 

Bullet; Green If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.  In search for answers :funnydance: 

Bullet; Red Once she's yours, you may: 

Bullet; Blue Give her a Cutiemark 

Bullet; Purple Change her design slightly if you're not happy with something. You are free to resell, trade, do whatever with them once they're yours! it would be nice to tell me when you do.

LazyIcon I wanna use - 2  LazyIcon I wanna use - 32  
Thank you so much!Heart  :bow:    LazyIcon I wanna use - 11 heart  
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375x490px 41.98 KB
© 2016 - 2025 YulianaPie26
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CrystalDash24's avatar
no entiendo nada de ingles XD me lo traduces :3