[galatier] auction [closed]yukibuns on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yukibuns/art/galatier-auction-closed-819234645yukibuns

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yukibuns's avatar

[galatier] auction [closed]


Badge Awards


Hello! The preface was put away, but thank you for viewing !

EXTRA: There are 2 beans and a stretch of sky (drawn by me) that can be used! The main fullbody and chibi come with a sky/not sky version.

The original story of this design is a modern take on The Little Prince; an indoors character with a special rose! The right-hand wing shows a blue sky during storms and bad weather (but feel free not to use this setting

In regards to the statement above, I will host the auction in a link you will have to ask for.

Thank you for your kind comments so far !!


> Starting bid: $50
> Minimum increase: $5
:new: If you are interested in bidding please send me a NOTE, I will reply with the bid comment!

Please abide by the rules!

1. Paypal only, please! Everything is in $USD.
2. To the winner, I will note you the full sized file after payment.
3. You will be free to make an OC from the design but the right to the artwork is mine, please credit me when using.
4. Please don't repost or edit my art!
5. Trades and gifting is okay, please use this journal from now on if you would like to resell your adopt!
6. The auction will end 48 hours from the first bid. I'll add another 30 minutes for each bid afterwards as a snipe guard.
7. I won't hold an adopt, please do not ask.

  Please read my updated terms of service if bidding!

/o\ thank you always for viewing !!!!!
Image size
1036x840px 1.01 MB
© 2019 - 2025 yukibuns
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