Musica by Mizuho-Iwatayui1107 on DeviantArt

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Musica by Mizuho-Iwata



The muse of triumvirtus Musica Allegra and Octavia

The page number-142."Monthly Animage" magazine in December1984 issue (Volume No.78), published by Tokuma books.
Contributed by Miss."Mizuho-Iwata " 岩田 瑞穂」lived in "Wakayama-Prefecture" 15-years-old girl,drawing by September-29 in 1984.
Now 48-year-old estimated her age of 2015.

Robotech : The Masters Episode 49. " A New Recruit ".
  (Time 20:46 minutes -seconds ) Zor Prime told to Dana Sterling : " A girl that was playing an erectronic harp , a Leve Ficelle "
  1. Cosmic Harp (Leve ficelle) for Tirolian Muses

  2. The armchair with control console for Cosmic Harp

  3. Cosmic Harp  (Leve ficelle) and armchair with control console (Stringed instrument set- unit suite  )

  4. Musica and Cosmic Harp (Leve ficelle) colored 01 ( Musica her own layer only)

  5. Musica and Cosmic Harp (Leve ficelle) colored 02 ( Musica and Cosmic Harp [ Leve ficelle ] , the full version) .

So, with the arrival of the "Hina Matsuri" (March 03 , also called Doll's Day or Girls' Day, is a special day in Japan. Celebrated on 3 March of each year) , I decided to start drawing fan art for a new “Musica and CosmicHarp (Leve ficelle)” that matches my skills at the age of 50 " .

Hinamatsuri (雛祭り, Hina-matsuri), also called Doll's Day or Girls' Day, is a special day in Japan.[1] Celebrated on 3 March of each year,[2] platforms covered with a red carpet-material are used to display a set of ornamental dolls (雛人形, hina-ningyō) representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress of the Heian period

  1. Muses - Wikipedia
  2. Sibyl - Wikipedia
  3. Bard - Wikipedia
  4. Harp - Wikipedia
  5. Sitar - Wikipedia
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