ships impaled on thorn bushesYtttrium on DeviantArt

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ships impaled on thorn bushes



you know how guys will sit like this on the hood of their car for a picture? yeah.

i discovered star trek online a few weeks ago and i've been having the time of my life zooming in spirals around big enemy ships and hurling various Energy Beams(tm) at them until one of us explodes.

so anyway, this is captain puma. he may be a little bit devious and slightly inclined toward murder but he gets the job done. he was a shield specialist before he was captain so of course his ship has three separate methods of draining enemy shields and every possible boost to its own. it doesn't pack much of a punch, but it wrecks havoc when teamed up with warships and it can tank hits well enough to out-last most other ships. it's tiny but fierce, much like a shrike, thus its name.

yea that's about all. no wait one more thing, star trek online is free on steam. except for the cat folk those are a microtransaction cause they know furries will throw money at anything (its me im furries). but the game is also just fun in general so. idk anyone who wants to try a new game this summer, maybe check it out hashtag not sponsored.
also if anyone's interested here's what these guys actually look like in the game

euuuh i have forgotten how to write a description. farewell i'm off to my little burrow in the mud to hibernate for a year or two
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