Yuri ZahardYROSHIKU on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yroshiku/art/Yuri-Zahard-908235099YROSHIKU

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Yuri Zahard




Not really sure how to start, it's been like years since I've published anything or post any updates. Well, since I really did anything with
my profile and wow it feels so weird and kind of nostalgic returning here after all this time? Kind of like leaving a potato salad in a freezer and then finding it after few weeks. You know you shouldn't eat it, but you're broke and you didn't eat for the last 2 days so you eat it and what? You end up with a horrible diarrhea and a strong emotional attachment to your toilet seat. Huh, don't know where I was going with that, but either way, this page sure changed, eh? Hell I can bet my best sandals that most of the people who I knew and those few I was friends with already left this page and moved on to something else, but hey, here I am, for some strange and unexplained reason, posting a little redraw from few years ago. Not really sure why or if I'll post more, but welp, I sure hope that whoever's gonna find it, at least is gonna like it.
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