[TUTORIAL] Using the AnimeHair toolYowafan on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yowafan/art/TUTORIAL-Using-the-AnimeHair-tool-544423697Yowafan

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[TUTORIAL] Using the AnimeHair tool



AnimeHair is a nice tool that lets you to create awesome hair for your model. It is basically a skin modifier clone with hair-specific settings. Oh, and it uses NURBS but you always can meshify your hair.
Also, it is good that I redistributed the empty mesh plugin. It's not available anymore, but before somebody comes to troll my profile, it's licenced under the GNU GPL, which means FREE SOFTWARE!
Here is the hair tool:
EDIT: the plugin adds only a motherbone upon converting. You need to export the curves as bones if you don't want to add bones by hand.
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StekinoMai's avatar
I don't really understand the part on how to draw the curve..

Anyways, this seems like an awesome tool! Thanks for sharing!