The Darkest HumorYourDarkAngelForever on DeviantArt

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The Darkest Humor



And here we have the evil creation of :iconmartinicaluposorella: 's character, Columbina, and my character, Fool's Errand.
Like I said before, I try to mix the markings and colors of both parents evenly. I think I accomplished that here.
And since Fool's Errand is a tricky, evil animal, he goes with Columbina like peanut butter and jelly. So I think I'll have those two stay together.
So Fool's Errand is now off the market.

Name: Dark Humor
Age: pup
Gender: male
Personality: likes to play pranks on animals and parents, wants to be just like dad, hates boring situations, tricky, cunning, agile
Special Markings: his father's facial scars, his mother's red swirly hip marking, father's purple feet and tail tip, mother's reddish-brown coat and silver underbelly and neck, father's green stripe down his back

Dark Humor belongs to both ~MartinicaLupoSorella and me.

Columbina: :iconmartinicaluposorella:

Fool's Errand: me.
Image size
1363x1020px 611.78 KB
© 2009 - 2025 YourDarkAngelForever
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HolidayOetep's avatar
He's soooo adorable!!!! What an excelent mix of his mother and father!!!!