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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Varied
  • Apr 21
  • United States
  • Deviant for 13 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (105)
My Bio

:iconbummy1: :iconbummy2: :iconbummy3: :iconfeelingfreeplz: :iconrainbowsheep2: :icondummyloveplz: :iconbrofistplz:

:iconkawaiihugplz: :iconforeversobplz:
Point commissions are open by MariaKoch :iconrequestopen1::iconrequestopen2::iconpervyicequeenplz:

This is my second account.if im correct my first is ShugoCharaLuv123 but who knows XD anyways i started this account for the stuff i draw on paper,instead of digital art.i'll probably use this account more because of that reason.i dont actually have a digital drawing system so thats mainly why.anyways im samantha.i have nicknames such as Yoshi,Bunny,Bunnie,Kitty,Kittie,Sammy wammers(NOT MENT TO BE PERVY!!!),and ect ect ect.u can make a nickname for me if u like tho :#O im shy and different then most.people say im just a samantha(meaning im my own race(like humans,deer,fish XD).people say i look asain,act asain,and am asainer then this one asain ik.=w=" lol.anyways message me sometime.hope u enjoy my art and company!hope to ttyl!!! :iconpervymarshalleeplz:

:iconpervyjapanplz: :iconwtffaceplz: :iconfiolee: :iconhetalia: :iconenglandplz: :iconpervyamericaplz: :iconukusplz: :iconpervyenglandplz: :iconpervycanadaplz: :iconpervyromanoplz: :iconpervyitalyplz: :iconlove: :iconpervyprussiaplz: :iconpervyspainplz: :iconpervypolandplz: :iconpervyrussiaplz: :iconpervychinaplz: :iconpervysouthkoreaplz: :iconpervyegyptplz: :iconwe-love-fiolee: :iconukus: :iconleemarshall-vampire: :iconikutoplz: :iconrainbowheartplz: :iconamu-amu: :iconamutoplz: :iconikutotsukiyomiplz: :iconpervyikutoplz: :iconpervyamuplz: :iconutauplz: :iconkukaiplz: :iconpervyutauplz::iconpervykukaiplz: :iconrimaplz: :iconpervyrimaplz: :iconpervymordecaiplz: :iconpervyrigbyplz: :iconfionnaplz: :iconpervyfionnaplz: :iconmarcelineplz: :iconpervymarcelineplz: :icontheicekingplz: :iconlspplz: :iconbeemoplz: :icontreetrunksplz: :iconcakethecatplz: :icongunplz: :icontadaseplz: :iconexitplz: :iconclapplz: :iconyushplz::iconjapangasmplz::iconchinagasmplz::iconrussiagasmplz::iconfrancegasmplz::iconegyptgasmplz::iconitalygasmplz::iconspaingasmplz::iconromanogasmplz::iconprussiagasmplz::iconukrainegasmplz::iconbelarusgasmplz::icongermanygasmplz::iconpolandgasmplz::iconswitzerlandgasmplz::iconhungarygasmplz::iconswedengasmplz::iconfinlandgasmplz::iconnorwaygasmplz::icondenmarkgasmplz::iconsealandgasmplz::iconicelandgasmplz::iconlithuaniagasmplz::iconamericagasmplz::iconcanadagasmplz::iconenglandgasmplz::iconyaogasmplz:

Hetalia! What Country Are You?

Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

Which Black Rock Shooter Girl Are You?

Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime

Favourite Visual Artist
anything really
Favourite Movies
anything really
Favourite TV Shows
anything really
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
anything really except for most country e3e
Favourite Books
anything really.i really like manga tho
Favourite Writers
peach-pit,james patterson,who ever wrote the house of night series
Favourite Games
anything really
Favourite Gaming Platform
idk wat this means o3o"
Tools of the Trade
a pencil!say hello to my little pen-!!!!cil.. :3
Other Interests
OKAY I HAVENT BEEN ON IN A WHILE IM SORRY OK IM A DERP FACE PLUS SCHOOL WAS BOTHERING ME FOR A WHILEPLUS THIS MESSAGE INBOX IS ALWAYS FULL OF SHIT I HAVE TO LOOK THROUGH OK IT STRESSES ME OUTI FEEL TERRIBLEI LOOK THROUGH MY MESSAGES AND SHITI HAVE LIKE OVER LIKE OVER 30 DIF PEOPLE I WAS TALKING TO BEFORE I JUST LIKE DISAPEAREDIM SORRY IF U MISSED ME T-T OK IM SORRY IM SO SORRRRRRYYYYY I honestly love you guysyou make me feel so happy and stuff when you say i draw well and stuff,and tons of other awesome stuff you doand im sorry to the people that were really liking my england ask(im thinking of maybe starting that up again,i only remember...
anonymous's avatar
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.:::::IMPORTANT!!!:::::.So you guys(if you talked to me) have probably noticed how i have not been on. I love you guys, i really do and i miss you. But, my inbox stressed me out ;w; like a lot because of all of the messages. That's why i have not been on.So, i thought of making a social account so i can talk to you lovelys again,because...i miss you T_T So what do you guys think? And do you even remember me? ;w;""
anonymous's avatar
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i noticed a today..and i watched the vid,in just a few days over 2 mil views.pewdiepie love >.>
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Profile Comments 1.2K

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iminsane67's avatar
Remember the times where you met your boyfriend here? And the time where i posted "art"?

...Good times.
smilyimp's avatar
Thank you for the fav :blushes:
spielbergfan1's avatar
Thank you for faving my cosplay! ^_^ 

I'm incredibly flattered! :iconaawplz:

More pics inbound in the near future! :3
YoshiBunnyKawaii's avatar
;D well you pic got my fav because it was great XD pat yourself on the back
RukiaOrihara's avatar
Thank you so much for the fav :3♥
YoshiBunnyKawaii's avatar
no prob you deserved it :D