design contest($30 n art prizes)DEADLINE EXTENDED by caspurs, journal
design contest($30 n art prizes)DEADLINE EXTENDED
SO! now ive finished school i figured it'd be fun to hold a lil design contest! rules -
:bulletblue: it needs to be a digital drawing!
:bulletblue: you can enter as many times as you'd like
:bulletblue: if you dont win, i might offer to buy the design - but if you'd like to keep them, that's still your choice!
:bulletblue: please dont copy other characters - i love original characters most!
:bulletblue: if you could share this journal, that'd be great, but you dont have to!
:bulletblue: please dont argue with eachother! things that i like :bulletgreen: canine based designs are my favourites, but you can experiment if you'd like!
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