"The last play I was forced to take part in was The Nativity. The school wanted all extra girls to be angels. I wanted to be a shepherd and argued until, in the end, they finally let me play the only girl shepherd.
So just remember, when I was given a choice between wings or a big stick, I chose the big stick."
-YohnnileeFollow Me!
2nd in my Dream Series.The R'sw-t Un-eket is a semi-aquatic and rather small beastie.Classification: Amphibious-MonotremeLife Cycle: Beginning its life as an egg it hatches into a tadpole-like larva that is strictly aquatic, furless and blind. Metamorphosis begins with the opening of the eyes, elongating outer ears and hind leg development. In this pollywog-like stage the lungs develop, ears continue to elongate, tail begins to narrow and shorten and the front legs develop as the eyes grow more circular in shape. After all four legs are completely developed fur begins to grow and so do the incisors. The tail is mostly abso...
The name of this species is Egyptian and literally translates to "dream goat" which is exactly where the original idea for this creature came about, in one of my dreams.
This is the first creature in my Dream Series and there will be more to come I'm sure. For as long as I dream I will continue to draw the bizarre things found there. :)
Species: R'sw-t M-buiClassification: Monotreme-like, but more reptillian in physiology that lays eggs yet still produces milk for its young.DETAILS:
Ears: Very prominent long ears ribbed with cartlidge. Impeccable hearing to the point th...
I just popped in to say 'Happy birthday', have a great day with all your beloved ones and a healthy, happy, glittering, awesome, exciting, creative and successful new year of life and, of course, some well chosen presents