YinyangGio1987's avatar



Hello and good morning, afternoon or night. In recent months I have realized that, as time passes I have done so many things that don't satisfy me, they even seem simply useless, and I believe that this is because I don't have the necessary inspiration to offer something innovative. I don't feel bad or sad, I just feel like I'm spinning. I have not made any necessary changes in any way, but I appreciate what some people have done for me. I will not say names because I will not give priority or favoritism to anyone, you can each help me at the time as they wanted. I hope that no one takes this as a joke, I'm not one of the people who takes everything as a joke, and when I make a decision I never resign myself. But before I go I want to give a sincere thank you to all of you because, I was able to realize many things, I have learned a lot with everyone, and I have made progress thanks to you, thank you very much.

To all the people I've hurt, sorry. But this is the truth, having ups and downs and learning from mistakes is good, I also appreciated. To all my Deviantart or Twitter followers, you can unfollow me if you want. If you come only for FNaF, I am sorry to disappoint you, but I will no longer be in that community and probably no other. I do things that I like about things that I like. I cannot be stuck in something all my life, and I prefer to change and not spend all the time I have on just one thing. I feel that the best gift is life, and living it with my family is something I will be forever grateful for. Health is important too, I hope everyone has a long and healthy life.

Sometimes it is better to continue despite falling or retreating, support will always give you strength to continue. See you later, I love you all.

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This is the end Of this account, Thank you all, Bye Bye!

My Animatronic
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Something borrowed.

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How ridiculous.

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Twitter? Safe place? Twitter is Cool?, ha!...Fuck off!


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A journal about this? How original. by YinyangGio1987, journal

2.000 Watchers! by YinyangGio1987, journal

Textures by YinyangGio1987, journal

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