X is getting little nightmaresyinlunghuang on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/yinlunghuang/art/X-is-getting-little-nightmares-13851522yinlunghuang

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yinlunghuang's avatar

X is getting little nightmares



This deviation is complete for its humour.

Won't you get nightmares if one day you open the door and see armies of your worst enemy?

X: Sigmas....Everywhere...!
Zero: "It's just a game! Nothing will happen!" blablablabla MY FOOT! X is now plauged with nightmares!
Axl: It IS just a GAME! All we did is just modify the graphics!

And yes, Axl is holding a toy gun.

Humour based on X8 intro. Play it or watch the trailer and you'll get it :D

For those you can't, let me explain a little. The morphers (I call the Next-Gens that) morphed into the form of Sigma to survive a crash. X was there, and he saw all of them in their siggy form walking out of the flames.
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NejiShadow's avatar
ANYONE would have nightmares if they saw that many Sigmas O____o X in particular 
The horror :iconscaredplz: