3 Little BirdsYesterdays-Paper on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/yesterdays-paper/art/3-Little-Birds-715298251Yesterdays-Paper

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3 Little Birds



Antique greetings postcard for a birthday
Circa 1909

Postmark Dallastown PA

Trio of little birds, one on the ground and two in a tree. In the background, a country chapel.

The palette of this postal has warm oranges and deep purples and plums, highlighted with embossing and metallic gold accents.
This was part of a card set, and I have two more from it shown below. One is the same card, only printed with an alternate message!

#postcardstock #vintagestock #deltiology #oldpaper
All of my uploads are from my personal collection of antique paper ephemera
and offered here as free use, no-restrictions stock images and resources.
Do with them whatever you like :star: Be creative, enjoy!
My Gallery yesterdays-paper.deviantart.co… Big Blue Bird mail Icon 
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  Natural Beauties 1908 Postcard by Yesterdays-Paper  Big Bluebird by Yesterdays-Paper  Yours Forever by Yesterdays-Paper  Best Wishes Robins by Yesterdays-Paper
             Many Happy Returns Robins by Yesterdays-Paper  Curtain Lectures - Lovebirds by Yesterdays-Paper
Violet Raven Print Orange Raven Print Orange Raven Print Violet Raven Print Orange Raven Print Violet Raven Print Orange Raven Print Violet Raven Print Orange Raven Print Violet Raven Print Orange Raven Print 
Image size
2763x1774px 1.82 MB
iPad mini 4
Shutter Speed
1/15 second
Focal Length
3 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Nov 15, 2017 11:28:15 AM -05:00
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