Huevopolis ZoneYeow95 on DeviantArt

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Huevopolis Zone



"I actually drew this back in 2017, but up until today I didn't have a working all-in-one printer I could use to scan it. I do intend to produce a "final" colorized version of this piece sometime later in the year." (The link in the text goes to the original workprint of this piece, go there for the original description.)

Two-three years later...

(...although to be honest, I didn't work on this from stop to finish for three years straight--most work for this was done over the course of this year. Besides periodic work on the background, this was on the shelf for a while.

I'd say I did a good job keeping most of the elements from the original workprint here, and going further with giving almost everything some sort of added textures. That was part and parcel of why this piece took so long.)
Image size
2201x1700px 4.96 MB
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