Growing Up with MathYeldarb86 on DeviantArt

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Growing Up with Math



Ms. Morrison explains why Math is such an important part of her career:

When I was a little girl, I had a video called "Donald in Mathmagicland".

It was my most favorite childhood cartoon. I was amazed at how shapes and numbers can be applied to anything in life. Whenever I worked on a school project, I always popped in this video for inspiration. It also became my go-to video when there was nothing to do on Saturdays. Eventually, I wore out the tape and BEGGED my parents to buy me a new one. :D

Most kids hate Math. My friends were jealous, because I was always so good at it. Even some of my students struggle with it. "Donald in Mathmagicland" taught me that people can learn more easily when it's applied to something fun. The adventure of life itself is your true education. That's why as a teacher, I always start off each new school year by letting my students watch this video.

Indeed, when he wasn't stuck with annoying vermin, one of Donald Duck's many journeys was to a profound world of shapes and numbers: [link]
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Skoshi8's avatar
I never saw the movie, but I had the comic book.