Magic System - Elemental core magicYazatira on DeviantArt

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Magic System - Elemental core magic



In my fan made Spyro universe this is one of two ways to control magic.

Elemental core magic flow trough the center of the body. It is the most common form of magic, but it is builded up by different elements with different rarity. All of the element can be used in different ways like trough breath, cast, summoning or transforming. Some dragons are stronger and can manage more than one way for control the element, and some elements are easier to use in one way, than another. A dragon have usually just one element, but it is possible to have more, this is rare and not the natural way for a dragon.

More into detail:
Fire - how hot the flame is, the size of the flame or the control is different to everyone and can be learned.
Lava - Fire so hot and chunky that it can melt trough almost everything. This element usually is accruing when a strong fire dragon mates with a dragon within the earth tree-line.
Ash - the element of smoke and ash is not as destructive as the other energy elements, but can be deadly is inhaled, lay places in ash or make smoke clouds to hide, hunt or cover. A ash element dragon is born when the egg of a fire dragon is laid in extreme heat, they say that a ash dragon is a broken egg that have lost the power to breath fire and only able to create the aftermath of pure flames.
Blue fire - Hotter flames than a normal fire dragon and some say that it is so hot that it almost feel cold. It is not that easy too se if it is a fire dragon or blue fire dragon until first breath of elemental magic is taken. The blue fire is usually blue, green, or in shades of turquoise or purple. If a fire and someone from the wind tree-line mates, the offspring might get blue fire as well because the gas and oxygen is heating up fire.
White fire - the rarest because it is random. Sometimes a fire/blue fire dragon might lay a albino egg, and that hatchling might have the element. The fire is not as hot as blue fire, but it is still more powerful than normal fire.
Electric - raw electric power that comes in all colors. The strongest ones can even summon skies that can bring lightning and thunder for centuries.
Light - a light dragon can send full beams of light. A light beam of great power might blind every one that looks in that direction. A dragon of light element is usually the offspring of powerful electric dragons.
Shadow - if a electric or light dragon is having a egg in negative energy or when lost is light a shadow egg might be the result. The magic to control the dark and shadows gives great power as invisibility, hiding and black smoke like breath that is unbearable to inhale.
Laser - a laser dragon have the ability to send rays of pure raw hot energy that can melt trough almost everything when mastered. This is a rare element that happens only when a great fire and a great electric dragon having a offspring. Usually the color of the ray is the same as the electric parent.

Blood - control others blood, heal the blood, and see every blood flow and creature with a pulse. A great power for good and evil. The breath of a blood dragon is pure sticky blood that can even be bended at will of the user. Blood dragons are rare because most of them are in hiding and misunderstood, and even if they get an egg with an other magic dragon the chances of it being a blood dragon is low.
Mud - a rare element that might accrues when a liquid and someone from the earth tree-line makes a egg.
Water - the most normal liquid element. The temperature of the water might be learned but most of the time the temperature is set. The color of the water is affected by where the dragon egg was made.
Mist - a rare element that might be the outcome of a water and a wind tree-line makes an egg. It’s breath is not that destructive, unless the speed of wind is great enough. It is most powerful as a invisible cover for hiding or hunting. Some of the greatest mist dragons can camouflage themself completely with the clouds.
Ice - can freeze everything, and the color of the ice breath or cast is the same as the water in the place it was made as an egg. An ice dragon might be the outcome if one or both of the parents have mastered cold water.
Snow - this is the rarest liquid element. A snow dragon have the ability to breath ice cold snow, sharp enough to cut bone. The speed of this element is even greater than a mist dragon. It can freeze water with cold winds like a ice dragon and hid in snow like a mist dragon. A snow dragon is rare and might only be the result when a ice and a wind dragon mate, and even then, the chances are low. Even when two snow dragons making an egg, the offspring are more likely to be ice for wind than snow.

Wind - the speed, size and shape of the wind that is cast is controlled by the caster and its skills. This is the most normal air element.
Gas - a toxic, smelly airstream that can be controlled in the same way as wind. A gas dragon is a rare outcome of a wind and a poison dragon.
Heat - a warm airstream that can be just as hot as fire, that can be controlled in the same way as wind. This is a rare outcome of a wind dragon and a dragon from the fire lines.
Gravity - a rare element that can make itself and others loose the grip of gravity, and also bring it back. It’s breath is like a beam that can grab and hold on the casters command. The reason why it is rare is because it is genetically submissive to other elements.
Sound - sending a blasting wave that can destroy cities if the skill is great enough. The way to use sound can be soo many, everything from blasting sound waves, hypnotic music or high pitch strong enough to make someone deaf permanently.
Fear - a rare element that is the result of the offspring of a sound dragon under great distress or negativity. A fear dragons scream breath is so terrifying that the power to run is unbearable. If the fear dragon is skilled enough, the magic its casting can make others heart stop.

Poison - the way to bend poison is based on psychical body structure and most skilled poison dragons can control where and when the poison comes trough its body. Some of the younger poison dragons don’t have that control over their poison, and that makes them dangerous to themself and others.
Rot - pure rot, a bad smelling magic that etched like acid of whatever it hits. They are immune to poison and are other associated with negative energy. It is rare and only might accrue when powerful poison dragons gets a offspring.
Plant - the magic to make things grow and to control it. Some can even grow plants of their own body and bend it to their will.
Root - even stronger than plants is roots. It has the ability to create harder and stabile plants and constructions. This might be the offspring when great and powerful plant and earth dragons mates.
Flower - a breath of odor that might make someone fall asleep or poison them. The control of plants and the power to make everything natural bloom. This is a rare power that is the result of an egg born of a plant line dragon in a positive environment.
Earth - Making the ground and earth bend to the magic, forming and shaping at the casters will. The most normal of the natural elements.
Stone - the power to make even rocks bend to the magic. Some of the greatest storms dragons can even move or create mountains. A stone dragon is usually the offspring of powerful earth dragons.
Metal - the power to bend and cast metal, change its shape and form. Some metal dragons are more skilled at liquid metals, other are more on the harder side. Some metals are harder to bens, cast or change than others. A metal dragon is a rare result of a fire line dragon and powerful stone dragon.
Crystal - creating crystals from the ground, trapping others in them or breath small crystal fragments sharp enough to cut metal is some of a crystal dragons powers. A crystal dragon is a rare elemental dragon born from two powerful stone dragons.
Sand - with the speed of wind, and the hardiness from stone, sand is a powerful elemental magic that can be easy controlled at a high speed. Sand dragon is the rare outcome of a powerful wind dragon and a stone dragon.

Rules if you want to use this magic system:
- if you gonna use my symbols, please give me credit for the drawing.
- you can use the system if you like, no need to give me credit for the idea, it is inspired by so many so it is not that “unique”. But if you want to, I would be happy.
- if you want to make a character to be used the fan made universe I’m making, please stay true to the lore of the different elements/magic.

I’m gonna sell the symbols/tokens without background on Ko-Fi, will be available next week.

A big thank you to DragonOfIceAndFire for the amazing front I’m using.
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