Annielender 2018 Day | 2Yamio on DeviantArt

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Annielender 2018 Day | 2



Day |2
Grizzly Bear by AnniverseStash
Blessing names:
  Grizzly bear
How many Blessings: 1
Rarity: Common
Eyes:  Common round
Description of blessings and Annie: 
The grizzly bear (Ursus arctos ssp) is a brown bear species,
named for the white-tipped hairs on their backs and shoulders that give them a "grizzled" appearance. 
The well-known hump on the grizzly bears' shoulders is a large muscle that gives their forelimbs strength. 
Despite being known for their aggression and size, these bears are omnivorous and mainly eat nuts, berries, and leaves.
During the winter, grizzly bears can hibernate for 5-8 months and live solely off their fat reserves.
This Annie has been given immense strength from his powerful blessing.
The tight sleeveless top shows of his well built, muscled body.
His hoodie is perfectly built for his random naps.
To honor the culture that celebrated his blessing, this Annie has various motifs from the culture on him,
such as the symbol 
for bear tattooed on his upper right arm.

Optional Personality: 
Though he is usually much more aggressive, this Annie is always tired and laid back this winter season.
While others are out playing in the snow, he can be found inside, snoring away.
Lazy and lethargic, he would rather be carried around than get up by himself.
This Annie loves to eat when he is awake, especially favoring sweet food.
Everyone around him feels as if they are taking care of a giant baby at times but with
a face so cute, and a body so attractive, who could resist him?

Annielender2018 [EVENT] OPENS 8PM CET FTO 9PM FFA by Yamio
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SirEdigarious's avatar
Really like the special touch the scarf gives to the piece.