5th anniversary coming up!
Where I've been for the past few months:
My macbook has been messing up also, I wanted to take a break from DA
5/2020: I started Roblox
6-7/2020: not much happened
8/2020: I started my first YT channel under my old elementary school account
9/2020: I started DA and my first Tumblr account under an outlook account
10-2/2020-21: not much happened
3/2021: I started Newgrounds under the same outlook account
4-5: not much happened
6/2021: I started Hello Sweet Days
7-8/2021: not much happened
9/2021: my elementary school account got disabled and I started a new personal google account and started my 1st actual YT channel
10-11/2021: not much happened
12/2021: I started Twitter/X and Bandlab
1-8/2022: nothing happened
2/2022: I started @Bono-forever
6/2022: I started Discord
9/2022: I joined Pixiv and VroidHub
10-2/2022-23: not much happened
3/2023: i moved to a new Tumblr account
4-10/2023: not much happened
11/2023(now): My personal google account got disabled, I lost my YT account and now I am trying to get a new one. in the meantime, I'll be active on my DA, Hello Sweet Days, Tumblr, X, Newgrounds and Discord.
thank you for tuning in to this journal, I might update this sooner or later. I hope you have a nice day... I hope to get a new account around Christmas time...
Update: I managed to restore and recover my account now and everything is back together again...
my Linktree: https://linktr.ee/YamiKurutto
ArtyMLDM =