
His Hero (Saitama X Wife!Reader) [Drabbles] CH16

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YamiAlex's avatar

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You were really cute.

The cutest girl he’s ever seen to be honest.

The way your smile lights up your whole face whenever you were reading your favorite parts in a book.

Or how your eyebrows scrunch up and your lips pout whenever you were confused or irritated.

But if he were asked what he liked best about you then it would be your heart.

You weren’t one to announce your accomplishments or all the good deeds you’ve done nor were you the type of person to do something for someone with the expectations of being rewarded.

You just did it because it was the right thing to do.

It was this kindness that caught Saitama’s attention in the first place, although he’d never really spoken to you before.

It was also the same reason why he found himself still unable to talk to you.

For someone dreaming to someday become a hero who fights evil to protect everyone, he was quite the coward when it came to you, wasn’t he?

Just the thought of speaking to you face to face and not just seeing you around the hallways or inside the classroom sent heat to his face and made his heart jump and go into a frenzy.

Although he may not have the strength to talk to you now, Saitama was sure that one of these days he’ll finally have the courage to do so.

And hopefully his heart would finally stop beating so quickly at just the thought of you when he does.

I mean, he was just nervous because he’d never really went out of the way to ask someone to be his friend and a really cute girl at that, right? 

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