I love taking pictures of storms and animals and anything having to do with earth. I also enjoy rock and country music, I am a big fan of W.I.T.C.H and ATLA and I have Asperger's syndrome. My goals in life are to become a hurricane hunter for the US Air Force Reserve after I graduate Mississippi with my bacherlor's degree in broadcast meteorology. I am a vegetarian and care very much about all living things on earth, I don't even allow my family members to swat flies, I simply gently trap them in a cup, seal it up and let it out the window, I hate violence, period against people and animals. My most favorite kind of art is tickling fetishes (even though I am not ticklish at all I wish I was though)!
hey what's up?
Thanks 😉
Ho how you been?
Happy March.
Thanks for the favs and the watching.
And for the comments.
Yup, no problem. I am closeted trans/goth, I have a controlling family, and very little freedom or support, But I still feel like I’m in the wrong body pous my harsh life snd outlook is perfect for being goth/punk. 😅