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Deviation Spotlight

  • United States
  • Deviant for 19 years
  • She / Her
Super Llama: Llamas are awesome! (13)
Bronze Fragment: If this was the Olympics, you’d have made the podium!
My Bio

^ dA Card is a little outdated, as it's several years old! I need a new one!

I'm on Gaia! Find me: Morava

Current Residence: New Hampshire, USA
deviantWEAR sizing preference: Uh... Size small?
Print preference: Matte.
Favourite genre of music: Metal.
Operating System: Windows
MP3 player of choice: iPod.

Favourite Movies
Lord of the Rings, Clerks, The Hobbit, Interstellar, The Dark Knight Rises
Favourite TV Shows
NCIS, Bar Rescue, Impractical Jokers
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Type O Negative, Tsjuder, Immortal, Megadeth, etc
Favourite Books
Soul On Fire: The Life and Music of Peter Steele, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Lord of the Rings, 1984
Favourite Games
Zelda, Commant and Conquer games, Gungrave
Tools of the Trade
Sony DSC-H1 (Old. Need a new camera)
Other Interests
Photography, metal, concerts, shows


0 min read
Well, I haven't uploaded anything new because quite frankly, I haven't done anything in a long time worth uploading. I've tried my hand at automotive racing photography, but seeing as how I have what equates to a big, fancy point-and-shoot nowadays & I'm always stuck in the viewing stands, it hasn't been worth uploading. I guess I could consider myself on a long-term hiatus.I'm still trying to get things back on track after my accident & the house fire. We've finally moved back home, but this didn't happen until August... Over two years after the fire. -___-I just wanted to post a journal to show that I still at least lurk on dA, particula...
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So on May 22nd, I wrote an entry in this last to detail a house fire I had in March. That very night, as I was on my way home, I got into a car accident. A drunk driver was driving the wrong way, & I couldn't swerve out of the way quick enough, & he hit me head on.To add insult to injury, my camera that I had JUST replaced after the fire was damaged in the accident, since I had it on the front seat. (I had it wrapped up underneath my coat, but when everything went flying, so did the camera. I wish I buckled up the seat belt & put the belt through the camera strap, like I sometimes did before just out of extreme paranoia) & I haven't been a...
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I haven't done anything on here for a while, & until March, it was mostly because I just didn't have the time to do much. However, March 9th, 2012, was a day that changed my life forever.I was at work that day, talking to my boyfriend on the phone, when he got a phone call saying that our house was on fire. I closed up the store to rush to the house, which (fortunately) was only about 10 or so minutes away from where I was working. After some talking with some officers, they finally let me go to the house. It was terrible.The house is pretty much a total loss. The room my boyfriend & I had was the only room that didn't get hit directly by ...
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Profile Comments 51

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Ferelwing's avatar
:iconcuddle: Thanks so very much for :iconfavplz: my work! I appreciate it! :huggle:
vericone's avatar
Thank You for favin' on Industrial :)
vickinator's avatar
hi there! (sorry for the really delayed response, I haven't been on dA in awhile)
xxbcxx's avatar
Thank you for the :+fav: on Rainbow :heart: