XxXPikeXxX's avatar


micheal wave と macking cheese
137 Watchers33 Deviations
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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (314)
Silver Fragment: Setting the silver standard of greatness!
Bleeding Love: Someone shared their passion! (3)
Diamond: It's the highest of honors to be awarded an exclusive Diamond badge! (1)
Hype: You got hyped up! (3)
My Bio

Hello! Profile is currently under major construction! Well more my bio than anything. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a comment or a note! (i prefer notes or comments bc im an old person and the chat barely functions for me)

Also check out my art sharing group that I'm starting! i'm working hard to make all sorts of fun stuff for the group right now :D

Seishiro Natsume stamp

Favourite Visual Artist
Alphonse Mucha, Yoshitaka Amano, Tetsuya Nomura
Favourite Movies
9, Better Off Dead, Most Ghibli Movies, YKK, California Crisis, really just a lot of anime and 80s movies
Favourite TV Shows
Princess Jellyfish, M*A*S*H*, Friends, Trigun, Nana, FLCL, Digimon, Bleach, K-On, Princess Nine, again lots of anime
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
David Bowie, Vocaloid (wowaka mostly), Pearl Jam, Hall and Oates, Norah Jones, The Police, a large variety of random songs
Favourite Books
Out of the Silent Planet, The Gods Lie, MANGAAA, history books, books to learn skills from
Favourite Writers
C.S. Lewis, a few mangakas, mostly fanfiction writers hehe
Favourite Games
Kingdom Hearts, Twewy, Genshin, Pokemon, Fate series, AQW, Stardew Valley, OOT, GTA (mostly the 3d games), Midnight Club 2
Favourite Gaming Platform
Computer, DS systems, Playstation
Tools of the Trade
Screen Tablet, Sketchbook, Alkyholl markers :), dip pen sometimes
Other Interests
Lost Media, The internet Archive, Stuffed Animals, Vegetables, Welding, Sewing, Bookbinding, PLANTS
Alrighty, zo herez my official pozt, I'm moving to buzzly for my deviantart ztyle art zite now! The zite needz zome love zo feel free to check out the zite while you're there for my page itz really nice there, juzt a tad in need of a more active community.
anonymous's avatar
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Hiiii! Zorry for dizappearing off the face of the earth again TwT Life haz been life-ing. I'm rolling with it though LOL Not entirely zure if I'm willing to rizk pozting on here anymore... I really don't truzt dA and their... dezcizionz...... Anywayz, if I don't ever pozt on here again, you can find me on my toyhou.ze ztill! All my charz are on auth only becauze therez been botz crawling the zite a lot recently and I wouldn't be zurprized if zomeone'z looking to ddoz again or try to yoink imagez for AI generatorz again aeugh... ANYWAYZ, you can find me on bluezky az well! Everyone zeemed to be pretty late to the party zo I'm here to remind you guyz I'm there zince twitter iz a dizazter. I go by doggehquack everywhere but here LOL I'll ztill kick around on dA here and there but I honeztly think I'm finally done pozting. I think it'z time to move on from that golden image of a younger dA not owned by WIX o7
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Hellooo! Art fight is over! I'll post the art I made soon :D I'm also going on my first vacation EVER, I'll be opening up comms so I can make some money for the trip! I'll post the details soon but do keep me in mind for now! I am going to set my prices a little more reasonably than normal because I need actual money and not just 5 dollars LOL (i might still have something valued at 5 though!)
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Profile Comments 162

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NekoDrawingsArts's avatar

Thank you so much for favorites~ ฅ(^◕ᴥ◕^)ฅ

XxXPikeXxX's avatar
writeddreams2reality's avatar

It was a while ago but thank you for adding my work to your faves!

Monteriggioni Castle Town, Italy, 2019
XxXPikeXxX's avatar
el-e's avatar

thank you for fav:D

XxXPikeXxX's avatar
el-e's avatar