Starry's 2020 summary of artxXStarryPuffyDreamXx on DeviantArt

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xXStarryPuffyDreamXx's avatar

Starry's 2020 summary of art



aaaand this is the end for 2020. This year was hell, i didnt even realise when time flew by so fast. Let's not talk about how uni took most of my time and I didnt draw as much the last months. I'm excited for 2021 so I can draw whatever I want, improve myself more, and have fun! I hope you all a good 2021, let's do our best <3

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2850x3700px 5.41 MB
© 2020 - 2025 xXStarryPuffyDreamXx
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LordTerrantos's avatar

Haha nice to see you Include my Lilith in the summary of your Art in 2020.      didn't realize it was that long ago since you drew her.       but your art just got better and better since i commissioned you to draw Lilith,  and hope to see more of your art improve  and commission you again one of these days :)     and lets Hope 2021  will be a better year