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Artist // Hobbyist // Varied
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (107)
My Bio


大家好!我是馨怡,我是個cosplayer從台灣來, 目前住在佛羅里達州。請大家多多指教(・∀・)

Hi everyone =^・^=

~I started cosplaying in 2009
~through cosplay I've been able to experience some of the most exciting, fun,and rewarding moments of my life
~I've been able to meet amazing people and create many lasting friendships
~cosplaying has given me a wide assortment of skills and it has helped me to discover a lot about myself
~I really look forward to continual growth and to be able to share it all with everyone>.

Blog → xxsnowfrostxxpm.blogspot.com/
deviantART → xxsnowfrostxx.deviantart.com/
tumblr → xxsnowfrostxx.tumblr.com/
cosplay.com → www.cosplay.com/member/185690/
WorldCosplay → worldcosplay.net/member/60808/
ACParadise → www.acparadise.com/acp/display...
Facebook → www.facebook.com/xXSnowFrostXx

Favourite Movies
Wreck-it-Ralph, The Amazing Spiderman, Avengers, the Extreme Goofy Movie, etc.
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
周杰倫,楊丞琳,f(x), Wonder Girls, etc.
Tools of the Trade
pencil, paper,mind,sewing machine, table saw, paint brush, hot glue gun
Other Interests
anime, cosplaying, playing my cello, doing nonsense


0 min read
wow talk about not updating journal stuff:T  just to put it in here for people who reads this stuff, I update a lot more on Facebook so if you would like, feel free to follow me there^^ or instagramFB: https://www.facebook.com/xXSnowFrostXx Insta: xxsnowfrostxxAnd now update dump from basically November till April:p ----------------------- Shoots: Starting back up in November, my friends and I have just rapidly increased the number of shoots we've done since everyone is making costumes like mad men and one of my friends (Superrlynn) has taken up cosplay photography:)In the beginning of November, we held Photocon, which was basically just a...
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0 min read
I am just the best at procrastination:) doing my Otakon journal entry now, like almost 3 months since it took place FFF if you guys ever want to see all the con pics, just go check out my Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.641590792520695.1073741835.333441756668935&type=3well, Otakon for me this past year went from August 9-11 and with Jose, Bri, and Vincent as my car buddies and our designated driver, Ms. Pomie, we set out on August 8th on a road trip to Georgetown, Maryland! Again, spent thursday night crying and sewing and packing and with no sleep, Thursday morning at 5, we loaded up, picked up all the kids, and by...
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Metrocon 2013

0 min read
so a week ago, July 26-28 was METROCON! this has been a long anticipated convention for me since everyone has told me of its wonders and its my first year going! so sad news first, I sadly did not finish one of my big costumes for this con. It was a long awaited costume, Metis from Persona3, and because of the difficulty of this costume and just last minute mistakes, it wasn't possible to finish it for metrocon. But the rest of my line ups did make it!Friday- with 3 hours of sleep I dutifully got up at 5 to pack and left to pick up my friends and we were mostly on time with picking and packing everyone into my little car. Speed drove to ta...
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Profile Comments 329

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Mikesw1234's avatar
Happy Birthday!
Mikesw1234's avatar
Lamentlight's avatar
Cool cosplays! =) 
Lucky-Leaf-Studios's avatar
happy birthday! i hope you like your core membership X3
xXSnowFrostXx's avatar
did you send it?! thank you so much!! I will use it well :)