Favourite Visual Artist
Kaiori Yuki
Favourite Movies
The Avengers, Iron Man 3, The Dark Knight Rises, Jurassic Park, Big Time Movie
Favourite TV Shows
Big Time Rush, New Girl, Smash, Once Upon a Time, Law and Order SVU, Gravity Falls
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Paramore, Big Time Rush, Ke$ha, Demi Lovato, Fall Out Boy, Motion City Soundtrack, City and Colour, Alexis on Fire
Favourite Books
The Hobbit, Stolen, The Hunger Games series, Shiver, The Count of Monte Cristo
Favourite Games
Sims 2, Silent Hill 2 & 4, Tomb Raider, Super Smash Bros
Favourite Gaming Platform
Wii, Playstation, Gamecube, sega, and nintendo 64
Tools of the Trade
Adobe photoshop, MS paint, Paint tool Sai
Other Interests
Drawing, singing, making stupid movies, slash, being random, breaking into song and dance!