"Why are you Crying?"
"Nothing is wrong, but everything is wrong at the same time. I want to draw and get rid of this feeling, but I just can't. I don't have any idea what to draw because I have no idea how I'm feeling. All I really know is that there is this knot- or this hole- or this pit in my stomach and there's this pain in my chest every time I take a breath and the dark seems to make everything worse. I feel my heart beating, not really loud, not really hard, but really really fast. My teeth are chattering although I'm sweating and if I stand still my insides feel like they're shaking. When I hold out my hands to check and see sometimes they're trembling but sometimes they're still. It doesn't matter how many deep breaths I take or how many laps around my room I walk, this feeling doesn't seem to fade and at this moment all I wast to do is pull the hair out of my hair and rip the skin off of my face. I'm jittery but tired at the same time. I want to run. I want to cry, but I have no idea why. My throat feels tight and I want to scream because no matter how many breaths I take it still feels like there's not enough oxygen in the world that can keep my from suffocating."
ShopDreamUp AI ArtDreamUp
So I wrote this while I was in the midst of a panic attack. My first actual panic attack experience that had no real immediate cause.
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