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Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Design & Interfaces
Llama: Llamas are awesome! (8)

Favourite Visual Artist
Teresa Sharpe
Favourite Movies
The Boondock Saints, Fight Club, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Donnie Darko
Favourite TV Shows
The Walking Dead, Vikings
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Avenged Sevenfold, Whitechapel, Born of Osiris, Volumes
Favourite Books
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, The Keisha'ra Series, The Harry Potter Series
Favourite Writers
Lewis Carrol, John Milton
Favourite Games
Final Fantasy X
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, Prismacolor Verithins, Micron pens, Watercolor
Other Interests
Tattoos, and piercing
I'm back! Finally, after a long hiatus, I'm back. It's been a super long time since I put anything new up and I'd like to believe that things have only improved for me artistically. At the very least, I know that I've gone through some minor, and major style changes over the last year or so. Since I began posting on dA, I've faced a lot of brand new inspirations, influences, and artistic challenges that have broadened my horizons on art and continue to at a very rapid rate. I began drawing with others, not necessarily collaborating on pieces, but collaborating on ideas and guidelines. I've learned some bits of old traditions, and new, risi...
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So we just moved to a new place, and I'm feeling kind of liberated. Less stress...less arguing...less of what seemed to be a round the clock PMS. More time to draw? Yes. Can I? No. Why? Because I packed away all of my stuff, and cannot find it among all of the boxes stored away in the garage. I've been suckin' it up lately. I desperately want to do my water color of Dead Girl B+G. Thanks for all the hits on that particular piece all. Just makes me that much happier about the end result. Someday I'll get it up there, all finalized, maybe even as a print. KEEP WATCHIN! O::llama:
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So I really have pulled myself out of a funk. Looking back, I was being pretty ridiculous. Now I'm faced with a couple new decisions, and I think I've made one that will change the face of my future a bit. I'm choosing to turn down a job offer I just got. Could take me places. I'd rather stay here with my art. There's a quote by John Milton, found in Paradise Lost I: "It is better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven." In my case, "It's better to remain a starving artist and be happy, than to get money and risk falling apart at the seams." I'll keep the option of putting myself through hell open though. I've been talking to the Big Ma...
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Profile Comments 7

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karaokecowboy76's avatar
Hey Tak! Nice to finally see some of your stuff. And hey... you're actually really talented! Very nice work!
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KoiInoZan64's avatar
HEY!!! Wow you're here! This makes me so happy. I LOVE YOU! Nice page.
Waltz-III's avatar
ello you know you know me!
haa haa i found u!!! lol ::KAYLA POOP!!!::