Favourite Visual Artist
E-vay, Shii
Favourite Movies
all the naruto movies, It's complicated, Mamma Mia, Death Becomes Her, Ski High
Favourite TV Shows
Naruto, Death Note, Bleach, Dragon Ball Z and GT, Sailor Moon
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
Within Temptation, Linkin Park, 3 Days Grace, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Favourite Books
all the mangas of my favorite shows XD and Amazing Agent Luna!!!
Favourite Writers
Masashi Kishimoto!!!!!!
Favourite Games
all the Resident Evil games, and Naruto Shippuden: Clash of Ninja revolution 3
Favourite Gaming Platform
the Wii
Tools of the Trade
Paint tool Sai
Other Interests
cosplaying, RPing, drama, and poitry