Deviation Actions
It's amazing how well everything suits Akito ! No matter what I put on him, it can suit him. But especially what makes him look like a good child. Comfortable clothes. Nice. And that conveys a feeling of softness.
On the other hand, I dressed him a little in an emo/Darkpunk style at one point. It suited him, but it's less suitable than the outfits I find for him at the moment.
Akito is my favorite male doll ! <3
☆ Edit Akito - XxAngelOfDestinyxX / Sophloulou / Unluckycandyfox / Fake-n-True / A Zepeto - © Naver Z Corporation (staralco130313DA) / EA (Krimisha)
☆ Drink - Evildragon2546
☆ Stage - Ketokeas
☆ Montage - XxAngelOfDestinyxX
Oh my GOSH!! He is absolutely adorable!! I love this outfit on him! You're right he can wear anything and it suits him!! Im unsure if I can say the same for Lucas ... well ... only one way to find out!! xDD Seriously though adorable. Why can I picture him and Lucas getting frappes or lattes for the season together? xD