Hazbin Hotel OC| AzariahXx-StellaLunaArt-xX on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/xx-stellalunaart-xx/art/Hazbin-Hotel-OC-Azariah-858003993Xx-StellaLunaArt-xX

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Hazbin Hotel OC| Azariah

Character  AzariahLocation  Hazbin Hotel


Here's another one of my Hazbin Hotel OCs I've been meaning to make for so long.
Meet Azariah, the fallen angel!
I've been meaning to make her for a while, and I hope you guys like her too <3
And yes, I ship her with Stolas =3
Pixel Rose Divider - Blue Pixel Rose Divider - Blue Pixel Rose Divider - Blue Pixel Rose Divider - Blue Pixel Rose Divider - Blue Pixel Rose Divider - Blue Pixel Rose Divider - Blue Pixel Rose Divider - Blue Pixel Rose Divider - Blue
Name: Azariah
True Name: N/A
Nicknames: Azzy, Darling, Dear, Starlight, My angel
Age: 38
Gender: Female female
Species: Fallen Angel
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual bi flag
Height: 10'6"
Personality: Tame, Quiet, Studious, Kind, Short-tempered
Likes: Tea, reading, soft music, her friends, Stolas, bonding with Octavia, quiet places, sparring
Dislikes: The exterminations, perverted demons, being insulted, her spear being misused
Friends: Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Niffty, Husk, Cynthia Cyanide, Cloudburst, Brimstone, Artemis, Krystal, Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, Loona
Relations: N/A
Relationship Status: In love with Stolas
Occupation: N/A
Abilities: Demon transformation, flight, singing, musical talent, agility
Voice Headcanon: Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)
Theme Song: Angel of Darkness (Alex Christensen)
Info: Azariah is a fallen angel who was kicked out of heaven for feeling pity for he sinners. For some reason, feeling pity for the demons of hell goes against "God's Order", so she was banished to Hell, and now takes the form of a raven demon. She still has her spear, which is her most prized possession. Her halo was cracked in two when she fell into hell, and they're on both sides of her head, which act as horns. She's good friends with Charlie and co., and she appreciates what Charlie is trying to do at the hotel. At first, she didn't trust Alastor, because she knew of his past deeds, and what he had done to become the overlord he is today, but she learned to like him overtime. She's also good friends with Brimstone and Artemis, and she hangs out with them sometimes too. She's also in love with Stolas too, and when he met her, he instantly got over his obsession for Blitzo, and fell in love with her. Azariah also likes to bond with Octavia, and they also have the same taste in books too, so she acts as a sort of "second mother" to Via. She also likes to drink tea and listen to music, as it helps calm her. Azariah also likes to sing, and she and Cynthia often sing together too. She's also very fast, and often spars with Vaggie. She also likes to hang out with Krystal, and she often compliments her art and gives her little tips as well.

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